From a teenage girl, here is the best relationship advice I can give you. Relationships are a key part of life, whether it is romantic, platonic, or family connections. The most important thing I have learned is that communication is the foundation for a healthy relationship. Yes it is about talking, but it’s mainly about really listening to the other person’s point of view. Sometimes you need to put your clouded emotions aside and really empathize with their feelings. Next, trust. Trust is built through consistency and respect. It is essential to honor and keep all of your pinky promises, because those are the ones that mean the most. Another defining principle of healthy relationships is loyalty and love. The two words are often misconstrued as synonyms, however that cannot be further from the truth. Loyalty is your utter devotion to your partner and never betraying their trust, and love is the ultimate feeling of shared passion. Have and embody both, not one or the other. Lastly, as a teenage girl I can tell you that breakups SUCK. However, always know your worth and when to prioritize yourself. It is important to have your own identity while in a relationship and to not get caught up in people who aren’t good for you. Always trust your gut. A breakup may feel like an ending, but it symbolizes the beginning of new discoveries. Always remember that healing isn’t linear, and breakups are a blessing in disguise.